Adjective Clauses, a 4-hour class held in 3 sessions, can be regarded as the most important subject in English. They are used in both speaking and writing. Numerous clauses and phrases such as “the meeting I will attend”, “the report that I have written”, “the woman who answered the phone”, “the accident she had”, “the woman to love you”, “factories making cars”, “the measures taken” couldn’t be done without the knowledge of Adjective Clauses. In this course, you will be learning all about Adjective Clauses. That is, you will learn to recognize, translate, build, punctuate and shorten adjective clauses in every detail. Moreover, you will be given test strategies to answer any questions on Adjective Clauses easily with precision. Last but not least, you will have the opportunity to practice all types of Adjective Clauses orally with hundreds of exercises! Course materials consist of one main booklet that explains all about Adjective Clauses in detail and has multiple choice tests and translation sections, and another that includes hundreds of verbal exercises related to Adjective Clauses. The long and short of it: Don’t Miss this Class!…
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Course Planning
Session 1
Estimated time: 60 mins
Recognizing + Building + Punctuation + Reduction of Adjective Clauses will be studied in every detail. At the end of the session, you will have a great deal of smart homework.
Session 2
Estimated time: 90 mins
This session starts with the teacher checking and correcting assignments given in the previous lesson and continues at full speed with the oral practice of Adjective Clauses. In the last 15 minutes, test strategies for Adjective Clauses are studied and the student is assigned multiple choice tests at advanced level related to Adjective Clauses.
Session 3
Estimated time: 90 mins
Oral study of Adjective Clauses takes up much of class time. Extra time is also spared to discussing challenging test questions.
Scilang Institute –
TR – Sıfat Cümlecikleri İngilizce’nin en önemli konusu kabul edilebilir. Hem konuşmada hem yazmada kullanılır. “katılacağım toplantı”, “yazdığım rapor”, “telefona bakan bayan”, “geçirdiği kaza”, “seni sevecek kadın”, “araba üreten fabrikalar”, “alınan önlemler” gibi sayısız niteleme bu konunun bilgisi olmadan yapılamazdı. 4 saat süren ve 3 oturumda icra edilen bu derste sıfat cümleciklerini tanımayı, yapmayı, kısaltmayı, noktalamayı, test tekniklerini ve ağızdan çıkarmayı yani herşeyi öğreneceksiniz. Ders materyali 2 kitapçık içerir. 1 ana dosya ve 1 sözel pratik kitapçığı. Ana dosyada konu anlatımlarını ve testleri, sözel kitapçıkta ise bu konularla ilgili sözel pratik alıştırmaları bulunmaktadır. * Hemen satın alın; iletişim bilgileriniz tarafımıza ulaştığında eğitim detayları için sizinle iletişime geçeceğiz.